Joe Biden attacks Donald Trump

Joe Biden’s speech against Donald Trump

President of the United States Joe Biden, while speaking in his ‘Prime Time Speech’ on Thursday, said that the extreme philosophy of previous President Donald Trump and his allies is a danger to a vote-based system. He said that the Republican Party is attempting to end a majority rules system.

It is realized that the mid-term elections in America will be hung on November. In this, the individuals from the US Congress will be chosen. Therefore, there is an air of unrest in the political passageways as of now.

Talking at the Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Biden said that a great deal is occurring in our country, which isn’t ordinary. He censured the viciousness on Capitol Hill during this time and reprimanded the 74 million individuals who decided in favor of Trump in the year 2020.

Biden demanded during this time that the Republican Party just runs at the command of Trump and his allies. He additionally pushed on getting public reconciliation in his discourse.

Since Biden was selected as the President of America, he has never gone after Trump by naming him, yet meanwhile, Biden has increased the assault on him with Trump coming into the spotlight and presently he Directly focuses on Trump by taking his name.

MAGA’s principles similar to fascism – Joe Biden

It is known that in the year 2020, Trump had made MAGA for example Make America Great Again as the motto of his political race and in one of his addresses last week, Biden said that the standards of MAGA are fairly one-party rule (Semi-Fascism).

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