Marjorie Taylor Greene says that she is going to file articles of impeachment against President Biden.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga, is bringing articles of impeachment against President Biden.

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The fiery congresswoman said that Biden should be fired because he hasn't done enough to protect the border.

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By not enforcing immigration rules and securing our border, Biden has "deliberately put our national security at risk."

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Greene criticized Biden for letting "about six million illegal immigrants from more than 170 countries come into our country." 

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She said that the president was keeping Customs and country Protection (CBP) from having the tools it needed to keep the country safe. 

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"His administration has knowingly chosen not to keep control of operations, as the law requires," Greene said. 

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White House spokesperson Ian Sams called the impeachment papers a "shameless sideshow political stunt" and Greene "trolling." 

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Greene hasn't put out the text of her articles of impeachment against Biden yet, but on Wednesday she did so for Garland.

Image Source: Britannica

On Thursday, Green stated that all of the officials are "corrupt" and "unfit to hold office."