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Sisters of Sacheen Littlefeather claimed Sacheen Littlefeather lied about her Native Ancestry and she lived in a fantasy.


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Sisters Rosalind Cruz and Trudy Orlandi came forward with the allegation after seeing their late sister being revered as a holy person.

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Sacheen Littlefeather's inheritance has been raised doubt about by her loved ones, especially her family members.

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The actress and Native American civil rights activist Sacheen Littlefeather died at age 75 earlier this month.

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Two sisters of Littlefeather claimed that she lied about her native ancestry and that her family was previously known by the name "Deb".

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Trudy Orlandi said, "It's a lie My father was who he was. His family came from Mexico And my father was born in Oxnard."

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Rosalind Cruz said, "It is a fraud. It's disgusting to the heritage of the tribal people. And it's just insulting to my parents."

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Sacheen Littlefeather claimed to belong to the White Mountain Apache and Yaqui tribes on her father's side.

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Littlefeather turned down the Oscar for Best Actor on behalf of Marlon Brando, in protest of the entertainment world's treatment of Native Americans.

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Rosalind Orlandi said, "she lied about having a rough and ruined childhood, which she really stole from their dad's childhood experience."