'SuperFly' Actor-Rapper Kaalan Walker Sentenced to 50 Years to Life in Prison for raping multiple women.

Image Source:  Sonia Recchia/Getty

Image Source:  Sonia Recchia/Getty

Beginning in 2013, Kaalan Walker used Twitter and Instagram to contact ladies including aspiring models.

Image Source:  Sonia Recchia/Getty

Kaalan Walker promised the women that he would give them opportunities to work in entertainment industry and to meet famous celebrities

Image Source:  Sonia Recchia/Getty

Kaalan Walker was sentenced on Monday, after being convicted of raping 4 women and 3 teenage girls he met via social media platforms.

Image Source:  Sonia Recchia/Getty

Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino instructed Walker to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

Image Source:  Sonia Recchia/Getty

Deputy District Attorney Cynthia Wallace said she believes Actor Kaalan Walker to be "truly a predator."

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Walker's attorney Andrew Flier and Los Angeles District Attorney representatives did not respond to the question of media.

Image Source:  Sonia Recchia/Getty

In March, Deputy District Attorney Yasmin Fardghassemi said, "You are going to see a dark side of Kaalan Walker."

Image Source:  Sonia Recchia/Getty

Walker was first captured in Van Nuys in 2018, after authorities connected him to the chain of rapes.

Image Source:  Sonia Recchia/Getty

Walker's lawyer Andrew Flier said, my client maintains his innocence and he did not receive a fair trial.

Image Source:  Sonia Recchia/Getty

Walker's lawyer Andrew Flier further said, my client Kaalan Walker was portrayed as a monster in the court.