Britney Spears responds to Victor Wembanyama’s security guard’s claimed attack

Britney Spears has spoken out. After being allegedly abused by a security officer for this year’s top NBA draft pick Victor Wembanyama,

Britney Spears has spoken out

The pop artist said in a statement published on Twitter on Thursday that she first saw Wembanyama in the lobby of her Las Vegas hotel as she was leaving for dinner. She claimed to have seen him later that evening at a restaurant in another hotel.

Wembanyama was acknowledged by Spears, who expressed her desire to thank him for his achievements.

The singer explained, “It was so loud that I had to tap him on the shoulder to attract his attention. “Then, without looking around and in front of a throng, his security hurt me in the face.”

The blow, according to her, nearly knocked her over and broke her spectacles.

Wembanyama, who was selected by the San Antonio Spurs in last month’s draft, said to reporters on Thursday that someone “grabbed me from behind” while he was walking down a hallway in an attempt to catch his attention. He claimed that after that, security “pushed her away,” though he added that he wasn’t there to witness it because he had been instructed not to stop in case a mob gathered around him.

The 19-year-old said that he was unaware of “how much force” had been applied and that he only identified Spears hours later.

In her answer, Britney Spears addressed Wembanyama’s remarks and refuted the claim that she “grabbed him from behind.”

Spears condemned the security guards’ actions, noting that she frequently receives a barrage of admirers, including that particular night.

She claimed that at least 20 fans surrounded her. None of them were struck by my security crew, she said.

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The Las Vegas Police Department confirmed in a statement to CBS News that it responded to a battery incident in the vicinity around 11 p.m. on Wednesday night but was unable to provide further details. No tickets or arrests, according to the department, were made.

Although Spears admitted that the incident was “super embarrassing,” she revealed it in order to “urge people in the public eye to set an example and treat all people with respect.”

“Too much physical violence occurs in this world. Frequently in secret,” she wrote. “I support every victim, and my heart breaks for all of you!”

The “Circus” singer claimed that neither Wembanyama nor the Spurs or the security guy have publicly apologized to her.

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