Buccaneers vs Ravens, NFL 2022 | Tampa Bay Buccaneers lost to Baltimore Ravens

Buccaneers vs Ravens

The Buccaneers vs Ravens football match was a highlight for NFL because both the teams were playing very well and Both the teams were giving tough competition to each other. But unfortunately, Tampa Bay Buccaneers lost to Baltimore Ravens. For the third week straight, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have left a game with a count added to the loss section. The 45-year-old veteran QB Tom Brady sinks two games beneath .500 first time ever in his entire career. Things are not going well in Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Buccaneers vs Ravens
Image Source: Tampa Bay Times

On Thursday night, the Baltimore Ravens set off on a mission to Florida to fight the Buccaneers in Tampa Bay. The Bucs had high any expectations of snapping their terrible streak at the ideal time, yet after 4 quarters of a football match, the scoreboard read 27-22 in support of Baltimore. One more misfortune for the striving Buccaneers as the team attempts to remain in the race for the division title in the NFC South, where the Atlanta Falcon at present hold the best position. New off of a Thursday night game, Tampa will have a week and a half to plan for the Los Angeles Rams as Tom Brady and company endeavor to snap their horrible streak. For that to occur, they’ll require their quarterback to get up to speed with everything. Up until this point, he’s been long gone.

All through the 1st half of the 2022 season, 7 time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady has seemed to be the NFL fans have become used to. The future Hall of Fame QB came into Thursday’s challenge logging career lows in various analytics, from a touchdown rate (2.7%) to QBR (53.2), and, surprisingly, avg. depth yards per pass attempt (7.3). Quite a while back, Brady had a comparative ‘down year’, however, there’s one particular difference between then and now. That is The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are not winning like the 2019 New England Patriots were.

Notwithstanding Brady playing ineffectively during the ’19 season, New England finished the year with a record of 12-4. Assuming Tampa Bay wins every one of their leftover challenges from this point until the end of the time, their record will be more awful than that of the 2019 Patriots. This distinction of wins is critical, considering Tampa has a larger number of games staying on their timetable than the sum they’ve proactively played in. Truth be told, New England was 8-0 right now in the year 2019.

QB Tom Brady is battling, and the Buccaneers are not winning. All things considered, it’s significant not to lose track of the main issue at hand here; all things considered, no quarterback in National Football League history has achieved more than TB12.Tampa is trusting their Quarterback to get back to the very structure that drove them to a Super Bowl triumph in 2020 as the season thunders on.

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