Georgia grand jury investigation of Trump vote rejects recommended charges

The Georgia grand jury that looked into Trump’s attempt to reverse the election found evidence that suggested criminal charges could be brought.

Georgia grand jury investigation

The foreperson of the Georgia grand jury that investigated former President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn his loss in the 2020 election in the state told the media on Tuesday that the panel recommended multiple criminal indictments. The investigation was conducted into Trump’s efforts to overturn his loss in Georgia. A grand jury in Georgia was in charge of conducting the inquiry into the behavior of Donald Trump.

Georgia grand jury investigation
Georgia grand jury investigation (Image Source: Alon Skuy / AFP via Getty Images)

Emily Kohrs, who served as the foreperson of the special Georgia grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, which has just finished its work, did not disclose specific accusations that the grand jury brought forward when speaking with media outlets such as CNN and the New York Times. The Georgia grand jury’s investigation has just come to a close.

The international news agency Reuters was unsuccessful in its initial attempts to get in touch with Kohrs. This Monday, a judge in Georgia issued an order mandating that certain portions of the special Georgia grand jury’s final report be made public. The report came to the conclusion that some witnesses may have lied under oath, and it delivered recommendations to prosecutors on possible indictments for election interference, the document showed. Additionally, the report concluded that the investigation was tainted by election interference. The judge also concluded that some witnesses might have lied under oath.

The special Georgia grand jury did not have the power to file criminal charges since they were not within its jurisdiction. For the District Attorney of Fulton County, Fani Willis, to proceed in this manner, she would need to secure the approval of a traditional grand jury.

Willis initiated the special Georgia grand jury investigation not long after President Trump made a phone call to a state official in January 2021, requesting that the official “find” additional votes to reverse the election victory of Democratic President Joe Biden. The call came shortly after Willis had requested that the official “find” additional votes.

Trump continues to repeat the untrue allegation that the presidential election in 2020 was stolen from him owing to widespread voter fraud, even though this is demonstrably not the case. He has accused Willis, who is an elected Democrat, of targeting him for political goals and has denied any misbehavior on his part. He has also accused Willis of targeting him for political purposes.

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On January 2, 2021, President Trump called the chief election official in Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, and made a false charge over the phone that the election results were the result of fraud. Trump’s accusation was that the election results were the product of fraud. Someone was successful in making a recording of the call and distributing it.

Trump made the following remark about the margin of victory held by Biden, which was 11,779 votes: “I only want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have.”

Four days later, a furious mass of individuals who supported Trump stormed the United States Capitol in an attempt to prevent Congress from recognizing Biden’s victory; however, they failed in their mission.

Willis has also investigated a strategy in which a slate of substitute electors attempted to steal the electoral votes intended for Joe Biden and give them to themselves by making a false claim that Donald Trump had won the state of Georgia. This claim stated that Trump had won the election in Georgia. The results of pursuing this approach were not what was anticipated.

Georgia grand jury foreperson speaks out on Trump investigation (Video) Watch Now

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