Ghosted Full Movie Review

In the film Ghosted, featured on Apple TV+, a farmer (Chris Evans) finds out the hard way that his date (Ana de Armas) isn’t an art curator but a deadly secret agent.

This action comedy flops because of the lack of chemistry between Chris Evans and Ana de Armas. Ghosted fails to successfully pair off its two likable protagonists. The story’s idea, which involved a desperate farmer who falls for a deadly secret agent by chance, held promise. Love may blossom even when bullets are flying because opposites attract. Sounds excellent in theory, but there must be some real-world reason for the odd couple to work. The film has numerous notable guest stars. These moments are funny, but they don’t last long enough to make a difference.

Ghosted (Image Source: Apple TV+)

Sadie Rhodes (de Armas) goes to a farmer’s market on the outskirts of Washington, DC, when she is still in her mourning period. She is grieving the loss of a coworker and is at a loss for words. Evans’ Cole Turner had recently been dumped for being too needy and possessive. Sadie wants to find a plant that doesn’t need to be watered every day. She has to travel for her job and is therefore unable to commit. Cole declines to buy from her. He will not be held liable for the carelessness of plants. Sadie, incredulous, storms off.

A friend encourages Cole to pursue the girl. They were experiencing sexual tension. He flags down her automobile and requests the information. Could they possibly go on a date? Sadie, taking a risk, says, “Let’s hang out now,” surprising everyone. Cole panics and rushes to retrieve his inhaler. Because of his penchant for misplacing things, he now affixes tracking tiles to his possessions.

A Grand Display of Romance

The date continues well into the night as the two keep pushing it back. She is a constantly traveling art curator. He has spent his entire life in rural America as a farmer. Cole is on cloud nine as she exits her townhouse. He can’t help but text her, asking if she wants to meet up again, but she hasn’t responded in days. Cole recalls that his inhaler was last seen in her bag. Sadie has been tagged as being in London.

He plans on doing something romantic. In hot pursuit, he swims across the ocean. Cole was taken hostage by nasty thugs when he least expected it. Even more so when Sadie comes to his rescue with a machine gun and slaughters the evil guys.

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This film’s running joke is that “these two need to get a room.” They hear that a lot as they travel the world. The catch is that they don’t have that burning passion for one another. Both Evans and de Armas have stunning appearances. Their desire for quick physical contact is very normal. Paradoxically, Ghosted thinks that the uniqueness of their personalities is what draws people to them. She has trust concerns and tends to be alone. He has a soft, mushy side and is always willing to pour his heart out. They don’t know how to fry bacon. The protagonists act out the gestures, but they don’t mesh well.

No More Energy for Ghosted

Oscar winner and outstanding actor Adrien Brody twirl his mustache in his role as the French antagonist. He constantly threatens his poor minions, but they don’t seem to be afraid of him. Story-wise, he ends up mistaking Cole for the spy because he refuses to believe a woman could be their butt-kicking enemy. His men are scattered like confetti as Sadie rips them to shreds, but he has no idea who she is. This sexist joke quickly loses its intended humor.

The film’s flaws are hilariously highlighted by the cameos. You can’t have bouts of laughter followed by silence lasting many minutes. Also testing endurance is the roughly two-hour running time. Despite its impressive cast, Ghosted ultimately falls flat.

Skydance and Apple Studios created the film Ghosted. Only Apple TV+ subscribers can see it right now.

Official Trailer of Ghosted Watch Now

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