Jamie Foxx thanks his family and supporters in his first video following his hospitalization

For the first time since being admitted to the hospital in April with an undisclosed medical problem, Jamie Foxx is coming up.

Jamie Foxx thanks his family and supporters

Overnight on Friday, the accomplished performer and actor uploaded a video update to Instagram for his followers.

Foxx mentions in the video that there has been much speculation about what caused him to be hospitalized, however, he withheld specifics.

To be honest with you, guy, I didn’t want you to see me like that. I’m aware that many people were hoping for or waiting for updates. “I want you to see me having fun, laughing, going out, cracking jokes, and appearing in films or on television. I didn’t want you to see me trying to determine whether I would survive with tubes coming out of me.

Foxx said that his sister and daughter had saved his life.

I’m able to leave you this video to them, to God, to many outstanding medical professionals, he stated.

In the past few weeks, Foxx has been observed in Chicago, where he received medical care at a clinic that specialized in rehabilitation care for individuals with physical impairments, and brain or spine injuries.

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Foxx continued by putting the social media speculations to rest.

“I’ve been through hell and back, but I don’t have paralysis, and my road to recovery was not without its bumps. However, I’m returning and can now work.

A few hours before the release of the video, Jamie Foxx shared a picture of himself perched on a gold automobile along with the message “big things coming.”

I adore everyone and I love all the love that I have, the Oscar winner said as she wrapped up the video. It has been terrible, man, so if you see me out and about from now on and now and then I just start crying, that’s why. Man, I was sick. You’re going to see me out, though, because I’ve got my legs under me now.

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